Learn hypnosis 03

The Hand Clasp Rapid Induction - Instantly Hypnotise Anyone

The handclasp rapid inductions is one of the most powerful rapid inductions about, and is really easy to do. It basically involves converting a routine suggestibility test to an almost instant induction, which is bound to impress friends, amaze a crowd and save time at a clinical practice. A quick warning first, this induction is surprisingly effective, so be sure you know the basics about what to do with them while your subjects are in trance, and how to safely bring them out. Anyway, here's he how to:

Have you subject hold his/her hands out in front of him, with the palms facing each other. Have you subject visualise or imagine that his hands were powerful magnetic plates moving towards each other, being pulled by a strong magnetic force inwards, towards each other. With many their hands will begin moving together already, and that's great, well done! If their hands don't start moving yet you can add another layer to the picture, and repeat your suggestions: and it's as if you hands, as well has being pulled magnetically closer, are tightly bound by strong elastic bands, pulling tighter and tighter, closer and closer, closer and closer, that's right, closer and closer, bound by strong bands, pulled by magnetic force your hands move closer and closer.

In a very, very small number of people there will still be no response, in this case it is likely that their hands have become cataleptic in mid air, or that they are consciously resisting you. Here just give their hands a gente nudge towards each other, and continue with your suggestions more forcefully, never let them think they are doing it wrong though, always reemphasize that they are doing fine, that they are doing well.

Once their hands are moving together you can suggest that once their hands touch they will instantly fall into a deep hypnotic trance, and if you want to add an Ericksonian element, you can suggest that they must not go into a trance until their hands touch (A powerful presupposition!). Keep suggesting this, make sure they know, believe and accept that when their hands touch they will fall into a deep, wonderful and very pleasant hypnotic trance.

Just before their hands touch, when they are about an inch away, quickly, firmly but not violently push their hands together with your hands, at at the moment when they touch command "sleep" in a loud, paternal voice.

Then quickly launch into your deepener, otherwise, due to the nature of rapid inductions, they will quickly spike out of trance, so you need to be quick to keep them under.

Hypnosis is a huge subject, and mastering it can be tricky, to help you out though i have created a free hypnosis audio library, with free hypnosis audio downloads to help you in your journey to hypnosis mastery.

You can find it at http://keystothemind.blogspot.com/2007/10/free-hypnosis-audio.html
P.S. Do you want a great hypnosis resource, bringing you free information of the highest quality to ensure you become a great hypnotist and even conversational hypnotist in no time? Go right to http://keystothemind.blogspot.com and you will find everything you need.

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