Who Else Wants To Secretly Hypnotize People?

Brace yourself, because you're about to learn a single most powerful secret there is to human interaction and communication. In a minute I'll disclose to you a simple fact, a statement that will change your life and the way you communicate with people forever... if you choose to act on this information...

But first, let's get some of the smoke and myths off our back so that you'll better be able to comprehend the power in this and utilize it in your life.

Myth #1: Hypnosis doesn't exist. You simply can't make a person do something he or she doesn't want to do.

This is simply not true. I hope that you know that hypnosis indeed exists and it's actually very well accepted in the medical profession (which is purely based on science). But this first part is here for that small minority of people that still believe that hypnosis doesn't exist.

What I really wanted you to understand was the second part. There is a great myth in the hypnosis community that was probably launched by people that make people do what they don't want to profit out of them every day. That's right, every single day people are hypnotized to want things and do things they didn't want a minute ago.

One thing in life is inevitable and that's change. Everything constantly changes around us and things we didn't want to do today become second nature tomorrow. With hypnosis, we're able to accelerate this process so that instead of decades it takes minutes. And this is just one example of how this can be done.

Myth #2: Only some people can be hypnotized

Well, it is true that about 10% of population is extremely prone to be hypnotized. But that doesn't mean that everybody else can't be. With very few examples of mental illness, most everybody can be hypnotized. It's just a question of how it's presented to them.

Myth #3: Hypnotic induction takes a long time and can only be done if a person wants to be hypnotized

In a clinical setting, yes. This holds very true. Except for the length of induction, it can be extremely short! But what if we didn't tell that person we were about to hypnotize him or her. That's another story. And many techniques and language patterns have been created to hypnotize a person without his or her knowledge.

What is hypnosis anyway? Very simplistically, it's the lack of critical evaluation of information combined with very narrow focus of attention. This means that in such a state a person accepts most things as true and acts according to suggestions. Sounds familiar? Ever watched the news? Ever watched politicians and their talks?

So now you know that secretly hypnotizing people is possible and happens every day. In fact, some research suggests that we enter hypnotic states many times every day. Some say we're in one trance or another all the time. Covert hypnosis, as we like to call this fascinating subject, simply contains the tools that enable us to induce these states predictably, when we want to and to get a person from one trance to another.

So... now for the fact that will change your life and your way of communicating with people forever: People are basically hypnosis machines. If you learn a few simple ways to secretly induce hypnotic states in them and what to do next, there's absolutely nothing in this world that can stop you from achieving everything you ever wanted in your life! PLUS, once you realize that you're always in one trance or another, you can start to DELIBERATELY build trances for yourself to achieve maximal growth and success as a human being.

Hope you liked this article. I know I loved to write it.
Discover exact techniques to secretly hypnotize people and much more in these covert hypnosis articles: http://hypnoticmindtraining.com/coverthypnosisarticles/

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
  • Be A New Improved You With Hypnosis
  • Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
  • What Hypnosis Can Do For You
  • What is Hypnosis?
  • Covert Hypnosis
  • Feminization Hypnosis "A Transwoman Dream Comes True"
  • The Benefits of Learning Self Hypnosis Techniques
  • Discover Self-Hypnosis - End Weight Worry Forever
  • An Easy Way To Learn Self Hypnosis
  • Using Hypnosis Scripts
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