Learn hypnosis 05

How To Perform Hypnosis On Others Quickly

Have you ever wanted to perform hypnosis on others, but thought it would be to difficult? If so, you are not alone.

Many people have the misconceived notion that they have to spend thousands of dollars and years of their life training to become a hypnotist. However, that is simply not true. Although professional training can hone your skills and is recommended if you wish to pursue hypnotherapy as a career, it is not needed to become an effective hypnotist right away. The truth is, with a little knowledge and practice, you can start hypnotizing people with amazing results in just a few weeks.

Now, if you want to perform hypnosis to relieve someone's childhood traumas or battle a major phobia or mental problem they may be having ... then yes, you should have some semblance of training before attempting this level of reprogramming. However, if you simply want to hypnotize others casually instead of clinically, then the learning curve is much easier. Here are the two easiest ways you can start hypnotizing others:

Conscious Hypnosis

This is the standard hypnosis session whereby you begin relaxing and focusing your subject on the sound of your voice. Then, once your subject is in a calm, meditative state, you simply begin giving commands to influence their subconscious. You will need to work on developing rapport and speaking with a more authoritative tonality in order to influence your subject effectively. Remember, the person you are trying to hypnotize is well aware or "conscious" of the fact that you are hypnotizing them ... they may instinctively try to resist or combat your efforts.

Covert Hypnosis

This is an easier, more powerful way to hypnotize someone. Covert hypnosis is simply a way to hypnotize someone in simple conversation, secretly without their knowledge. It's powerful because the person doesn't know they are being hypnotized and therefore they put up no resistance at all. The only skill needed is friendliness and a basic understanding of embedded commands. This is one of the most recommended ways to learn hypnosis as you can begin immediately without much training and still get fantastic results.

Want to learn more about Covert Hypnosis and how you can hypnotize people secretly without their knowledge? Go to http://www.squidoo.com/covert-hypnosis now to find out more.

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