Improve Your Life Today With Self Hynosis

While they may appear to be, persons in a hypnotic state are not sleeping but in a state of alertness. They may be in a deepened state of relaxation, but the mind continues to absorb information and be receptive to images and instruction.

Self hypnosis techniques work well for treating stress and anxiety partly because they teach the body to completely relax. When this happens, the extra hormones that have been reduced subside while your mind is distracted. Some people are even able to use hypnosis in place of drugs for treating their stress, anxiety, or depression.

When you perform self hypnosis, you use positive statements about yourself to counteract the effects of negative thinking or behaviors. It can be coupled with meditation and/or imagery as part of a regular stress management program.

There are actually a lot of ways in which self hypnosis is similar to meditation. You want to choose a time of day when you can sit down and not be disturbed. Place your feet flat on the floor and your arms by your sides on the armrests of the chair, start breathing deeply, allowing the tension of your body to dissipate with each breath.

Once you have done this for a few minutes, allow each body part to relax on its own. You may feel the sensation of sinking more comfortably into the chair. Imagine yourself walking down a staircase, noting the details while you count down from ten to one with each step. Each time you go down, imagine that you are more relaxed, and fall into a deeper state of self hypnosis.

In order to place yourself in an even deeper state of self hypnosis, you can try imagining that you are walking in a garden filled with flowers and greenery. Explore the garden, listening to the birds and the bees, feeling the grass beneath your, and smelling the aroma of the flowers as you go along.

Once you feel that you have reached the deep state of self hypnosis, you can begin the actual treatment phase. Visualize the thing that you wish to achieve and you will do it. For example, if you are a smoker who wishes to quit, picture yourself as a healthy non-smoker and some of the things you will be able to do. If you want to lose weight, picture yourself eating healthier foods and exercise and see yourself becoming thinner.

15 to 30 minutes is a typical session, but you can make the session as long as you would like depending on your needs. For a more successful session, choose a time and a place when you will not be tired and in danger of falling asleep. It is also better to be in a sitting position versus lying down.

With a little practice, this technique can give you the positive reinforcement that you need to see results.

Martin May has been using self hypnosis techniques for the last decade for self improvement and relaxation. http://www.squidoo.com/self-hypnosis-course Find out how self hypnosis can help you

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