Hypnosis and Memory

Memory is an odd thing. We remember certain things yet others just slip through our minds as though they were never there. Can you use hypnosis and train our memory better?

Well, hypnosis works with our minds, so it should be perfectly possible to link hypnosis and memory.

First off you need to decide what you want to remember. We experience so many pieces of information each and every day that it would be foolish to remember every single scrap of information. For instance, you probably don't care which commercials played in which order during the last ten commercial breaks. Or how long it took the traffic lights to turn from red to green.

You need to narrow down what you want to remember. Then work out whether using hypnosis on your mind is the best remedy. It could be that a simple note in your cell phone would work better for a regular appointment, for example.

Let's say that you think you can't remember people's names. That is something easy to work with and would be a great introduction to the power of hypnosis. It would also avoid the embarrassment of meeting someone and having to ask to be reminded of their name.

Hypnosis can help with this as well as more sophisticated tasks like boosting your overall brain power, including your memory. It's as simple as booking a session with your local hypnotist or downloading a pre-recorded MP3 file directly to your PC or iPod. For the handful of dollars, this second option is the one I'd recommend as a first action.

Find out more about hypnosis and memory as well as the best sources for hypnosis downloads

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