Learn hypnosis 25

How To Use Mind Control To Make Your Dreams Reality

Imagine knowing how to send people secret messages which must be obeyed, the ability to persuade and influence people to do anything you desire? No this is not science fiction and it isn't conspiracy theory. This technology is commonly known as "Silent Sound" and was reportedly used during the Persian Gulf War by the United States on Iraqi troops. During the war the Iraq Military Command and Control System was destroyed and Iraqi troops were forced to use commercial radio frequencies. These channels were hijacked by the US Psyops team and vague, confusing and contradictory military orders were broadcast to the Iraqi troops. Captured Iraqi soldiers reported feeling entirely demoralized and overcome with fear and hopelessness as a result of listening to the broadcasts.

Silent sound involves recording spoken commands, filtering and changing their frequency using Frequency Modulation and adjusting them so they are outside of the normal auditory spectrum. Although we can't physically hear what is being said our brain receives and understands every word. These commands can be hidden on audio Cd's and MP3 files, played to you whilst you are browsing websites, sent to you whilst you watch the television or listen to the radio and you are completely unaware of the fact that you are being brainwashed!

This technology does not have to be used in such a negative way however, I used it with great success to overcome a 25 year chronic addiction to alcohol. I never imagined I would be able to beat alcoholism until I discovered Binaural Beats ."Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses which originate in the superior olivary nucleus of each hemisphere. They result from the interaction of two different auditory impulses, originating in opposite ears, below 1000 Hz and which differ in frequency between one and 30 Hz" (Oster, 1973)

Oster observed that when two sound frequencies are sent to the brain individually via each ear (for example, through stereo headphones), the two hemispheres of the brain work together to create a third phantom signal. This signal is referred to as a "binaural beat" and it pulses at the exact numerical difference between the two tones. For example, if a signal of 200 CPS (Cycles Per Second) is introduced to the left ear and a 210 CPS signal to the right,CPS a binaural beat of 10CPS (or Hertz) is created. Research has shown that first small areas of the brain and, gradually large areas of the brain start to resonate sympathetically with the "phantom" binaural beat. This is due to what is termed as the "Frequency Following Response". Further research has proven that binaural beat frequencies can influence the brain to enter specific brain states. This happens effortlessly as your brain activity aligns itself with the frequency of the binaural beat.

In layman's terms it means you can create tones to create a desired brainwave state. For example, meditation, deep sleep, lucid dreaming, astral projection, creativity increase, stress reduction, relaxation, super learning, intuition etc.

Combine binaural beats with Silent sound and you have an extremely powerful tool which can yield outstanding results. I was a chronic alcoholic for over 25 years and when I stopped drinking I used binaural beats associated with alcohol addiction and added my own positive affirmations which I then encoded with Silent Sound. I would listen to the track for twenty minutes each day and after a week had passed I no longer had a craving for alcohol. I've been off alcohol for 2 years now, have never had a relapse and I can say with confidence that I will never drink again.

There is always alcohol around me and it doesn't bother me at all, that to me provides undeniable proof that this technology works. How many people who have given up drinking can say that they have never had a relapse? I did not need anything apart from binaural beats and Silent Sound, I did not need willpower either, it really was easy! I believe that the semantic connection I had within my brain associated with alcoholism was completely removed, it was as if I had never been addicted in the first place.

I discovered that by combining Silent sound with binaural beats I could easily reprogram my mind in any way I chose. It was possible to increase my motivation and creativity, reach blissful states of meditation and also remove depression and stress. This technology has completely transformed my life. I do not use this technology on other people however, as I believe that to do so would be morally wrong, but its possible applications fascinate me nonetheless.

Imagine if you wanted to influence other people and make them do whatever you wanted them to. All you would need to do would be to create a digital recording of verbal commands, encode them with Silent Sound technology and then play the recordings to your target. It would be easy to implement the commands on a website and to broadcast the commands to an unsuspecting public. You would be able to entice people to buy your products and they would be completely unaware of the fact that you were influencing them.

If you are interested in this technology and would like to learn how to use it ethically then I recommend that you visit binauralsound.com Please ensure that you turn off all sound before visiting the website otherwise you will become a victim of mind control and will be possessed with an insatiable desire to purchase the products you see there. (only kidding!)

Rob Maggs is the creator of the Brainwave Entrainment Toolkit and is a reformed alcoholic dedicated to self-improvement and personal development.

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