Learn hypnosis 29

Can Someone Be Hypnotized When They Are Awake?

Waking hypnosis is a term used to describe a scenario where the subject is so engrossed in a moment that the external stimulus has little impact on him/her.

For instance, sometimes when you are reading an interesting novel or watching a movie you don't hear your mom or spouse calling you because your mental faculties are absorbed in one place and you are almost in a different world altogether.

Another good example of waking hypnosis would be when you are surrounded by a group of friends chatting about different topics and you are mentally rehearsing an event that happened yesterday. Many-a-times you will find that one of your friends recognizes instantly that you are not listening to the conversation he might even shake you to get you out of that state.

The next time whenever you are in a group observe the eye movements of the people casually; especially the ones that are not talking you'll find that their eyes will stop moving and their focus will be set on one object. They will get out of the trance when someone touches them or the group bursts in to a laughter.

When people go in to a trance they become highly suggestible because the suggestions given to them go straight to their sub-conscious minds. No wonder why movies are so influential in changing behaviors.

Therefore what exactly happens in a hypnosis session? How does the hypnotist manages to make the subject comply to his suggestions. Hypnosis has lot to with authority and rapport. When someone is under hypnosis he believes that the hypnotist is the director of the mental movie so his instructions are accepted without much resistance. The rapport established between the hypnotist and the subject also plays an important role to get the subject to play along with the suggestions of the hypnotist.

If hypnosis requires a controlled environment like this how can we use it everyday to our benefit? The answer is, we can't implement hypnosis as such in our daily life however we can use the rapport building techniques and NLP to influence others. Black ops hypnosis is one such tool to achieve this. Black ops hypnosis can be used to achieve popularity among your peers, to build instant rapport with someone or to get a person to accept you as an authority figure.

Some people view black ops hypnosis is a dangerous tool in the wrong hands but think about this: Nuclear power can be used to produce atom bombs but it can also be used to produce electricity for millions of households.

For more information visit Blackops Hypnosis website

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