Learn hypnosis 14

The Power Of NLP And Hypnosis

Fear of flying? Heights make you dizzy? Can't bear spiders? Terrified of animals? These fears and more can be eliminated fast.

Let me give you in-depth advice on how you can get momentum within yourself to crash through the barriers and hurdles that are stopping you from achieving and getting what you want from life. What ever the problem, come to the people who care.

Some people really find it tough and struggle with fears and phobias, whilst others with the same issues seem to go through the day with not a care in the world. Hypnotherapy NLP, and CBT offer an effective help in treating fears and phobias. These therapies will help you to relax mentally and physically and will train your mind to react more appropriately when feeling tense. Fears and phobias are learned responses that probably have built up over the years. A combination of Hypnosis, NLP and CBT can help you overcome and after treatment you will place less importance to these disturbing thoughts, becoming more relaxed and having less doubt and worry.

Shelia came to see me because she was afraid of flying. She had booked many flights in the past and always ended up canceling at the last minute. She felt by doing this she had let her family down her friends and herself. Despite talking to many people close to her, she was unable to make herself take a trip on a plane.

Peter was a businessman who came to see me some time ago. After gaining promotion, he was required to make regular plane journeys to Europe to attend meetings as part of his job.

Unfortunately he had never been on a plane in his life due to the fear of flying. As a result all family holidays had been in the form of car journeys or ferry journeys. Peter was extremely worried that his fear could cost him his promotion.

Caroline had a fear of needles. Every time she had to visit the doctor, even if it was something unrelated to needles she had a terrible fear that a needle would have to be used. Since she was a teenager she had fainted at the sight of a hypodermic or needle even before an injection had been given to her.

Mrs N. had a terrible fear of spiders. Although she held down a very important job where she was in charge of many people, the mere sight of a spider had her experiencing hot sweats, palpitations and the feeling of great fear.

Melanie visited us because she had a driving test coming up very shortly. Although a competent driver, in a test situation she became so nervous that she made many mistakes, and this had already cost her the failure of two tests, which her driving instructor could not understand.

Mark visited us for treatment for a very common fear - the one of dentists. Although in work and social situations he was an out-going, confident character, even the thought of visiting a dentist made him extremely nervous to the point where he was losing sleep in the days running up to an appointment.

Susan had a fear that any food she ate would be poisonous or do her harm. Unless she had prepared the food herself, she could not bring herself to eat it. This played havoc with her social life as she would not eat in restaurants or cafes, or even eat food prepared by friends or family. David experienced terrible panic attacks when in a crowded public place. He would suffer from palpitations, sweating and a terrible fear and a need to 'get out.' This obviously affected both his work and social life, as he suffered both in shops, busy towns etc, and also in enclosed offices and meeting rooms with other people.

Using NLP and hypnotherapy these issues were quickly and safely remedied.

I can help with Fear of washing or bathing. Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching. Fear of sourness. Fear of darkness. Fear of noise. Fear of heights. Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airborne noxious substances. Fear of open high places. Fear of vomiting secondary to air sickness. Fear of insanity. Fear of pain, Fear of dentists, Fear of the dentist, Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places.

Andrew specialises in helping people make inner changes with smoking cessation, weight control, panic attacks, stress management, IBS, confidence, self esteem, insomnia, public speaking, sports performance, anxiety, fears and study skills using Hypnotherapy and the latest stress management techniques including advanced McKenna therapies. Andrew also takes time out to give talks on his work throughout the North West of England.

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